Millseal+ Manual
Millseal+ Manual, essential and reliable.
Digital Virtual Assistant
Digital Virtual Assistant, questo l’acronimo di Di.V.A. Il primo sistema di controllo e tracciabilità dei dispositivi di sterilizzazione MOCOM su Cloud. I dati, una volta salvati, saranno a disposizione degli operatori accedendo alla pagina web dedicata. Con Di.V.A è possibile:
- Accedere a video tutorial
- Visualizzare i cicli effettuati
- Controllare l’efficienza e lo stato della macchina
- Consultare le statistiche di utilizzo della macchina
- Monitorare la frequenza dei test di sterilizzazione

Millseal+ Manual offers ergonomic, functional design, making it a must in any surgery. Indicator lights and warning beeps allow effective monitoring of correct thermal sealer performance. Like its automatic counterpart, this manual version ensures a sealing band that is actually in excess of legal requirements. Practicality and simplicity, providing all the safety you need.
Consistent, long-lasting performance
Automatic temperature adjustment ensures effective heating control in the sealing zone to maintain long-lasting high quality performance.
Millseal+ thermal sealers also feature an overheating protection device and an automatic energy-saving standby system.
Consistent, long-lasting performance

Ergonomic, practical design
Millseal+ thermal sealers combine user-friendliness with excellent reliability. The positioning system keeps the paper in place and prevents rewinding of the roll after cutting and sealing, thus providing a linear, uninterrupted procedure.
Ergonomic, practical design

Easier pouch management
The roll holder allows up to three rolls to be housed simultaneously, with maximum widths of 300 mm. When you wish to use a different size just change the roll by using the bar conveniently positioned behind the thermal sealer.
Easier pouch management

Focus on simplicity!

Simple gestures ensure an easy, reliable workflow with high safety standards.
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