Millseal+ Evo
Safety and Efficiency.
Digital Virtual Assistant
Digital Virtual Assistant, questo l’acronimo di Di.V.A. Il primo sistema di controllo e tracciabilità dei dispositivi di sterilizzazione MOCOM su Cloud. I dati, una volta salvati, saranno a disposizione degli operatori accedendo alla pagina web dedicata. Con Di.V.A è possibile:
- Accedere a video tutorial
- Visualizzare i cicli effettuati
- Controllare l’efficienza e lo stato della macchina
- Consultare le statistiche di utilizzo della macchina
- Monitorare la frequenza dei test di sterilizzazione

The automatic thermal sealer that shortens packaging times.
Millseal+ Evo stands out on account of its compact linear design, outstanding user-friendliness and fully automatic preparation control. After setting the length and the number of pouches you wish to prepare, just press the relative “Programme” key to start the automatic procedure. A practical keypad lets users control the various functions, all identified by easy-to-understand icons.
A programme for every need
Millseal+ Evo lets users set two programmes with different pouch lengths and quantities. Once a programme is selected, the thermal sealer automatically prepares the pouches. Alternatively, the operator can proceed manually, packaging the instruments in a more traditional manner.
A programme for every need

Practical display
Programme selection is simple and immediate. During the packaging process the large display shows the settings (pouch length and number), providing at-a-glance parameter control.
Practical display

Guaranteed sterilization
Millseal+ thermal sealers are equipped with electronic control of parameters (time and temperature) and ensure a 12 mm wide sealing band, well in excess of legal requirements. Furthermore, visual-acoustic messages provide information on sealer efficiency.
Guaranteed sterilization

Save time
Thanks to the automatic pouch production programme, able to prepare up to 20 pouches per minute, the operator can save precious time and only needs to intervene during secondary sealing.
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